Welcome to our September 9-10th Fall Premier Numismatic Auction!

Auction Details

This premier auction will be showcasing many unique and seldom found items such as Key Date decimal coins, Paper Money, tokens and spectacular error coins/notes are included in this sale.

Live auction will be held September 9-10th online through icollector.com both days starting at 5:30 PM EST( 2:30 PT)
We are accepting Internet Bids, E-mail, Phone Bids. Get your bids in today.

Session 1 goes live September 9th @ 530pm EST (230pm PT)
Session 2 goes live September 10th@ 530pm EST (230pm PT)

Tel: 1-888-255-4565 (Prompt 5)
Email: auctions@colonialacres.com

Viewing will be available Monday-Friday starting March 11th from 9:30-4 PM.

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ERROR BC-58b-E3-ii 1991 $20 'Offset Printing' BCS F12, Bonin-Thiessen S/N: EMS5167547 (tears) Impres1247 - ERROR BC-58b-E3-ii 1991 $20 'Offset Printing' BCS F12, Bonin-Thiessen S/N: EMS5167547 (tears) Impres
Colonial Acres Coins Ltd.
ERROR BC-58b-E3-ii 1991 $20 'Offset Printing' BCS F12, Bonin-Thiessen S/N: EMS5167547 (tears) Impressive error worth a good Look!
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00
Sold for (255.00 + 38.25BP) = 293.25
ERROR BC-58c-E18-i 1991 $20 'Misplaced Serial Number' BCS Choice UNC62 Original, Knight-Thiessen S/N1248 - ERROR BC-58c-E18-i 1991 $20 'Misplaced Serial Number' BCS Choice UNC62 Original, Knight-Thiessen S/N
Colonial Acres Coins Ltd.
ERROR BC-58c-E18-i 1991 $20 'Misplaced Serial Number' BCS Choice UNC62 Original, Knight-Thiessen S/N: AWC7905091. Serial # Shifted to right ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00
Sold for (375.00 + 56.25BP) = 431.25
BC-59a 1988 $50 Legacy Superb Gem New-67 PPQ Thiessen-Crow SN: EHW02162211249 - BC-59a 1988 $50 Legacy Superb Gem New-67 PPQ Thiessen-Crow SN: EHW0216221
Colonial Acres Coins Ltd.
BC-59a 1988 $50 Legacy Superb Gem New-67 PPQ Thiessen-Crow SN: EHW0216221
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 290.00 | Estimate : 580.00
BC-59aA 1988 $50 EHX PMG Choice UNC64 EPQ  Replacement Thiessen-Crow S/N: EHX10670481250 - BC-59aA 1988 $50 EHX PMG Choice UNC64 EPQ Replacement Thiessen-Crow S/N: EHX1067048
Colonial Acres Coins Ltd.
BC-59aA 1988 $50 EHX PMG Choice UNC64 EPQ Replacement Thiessen-Crow S/N: EHX1067048
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 325.00
Sold for (195.00 + 29.25BP) = 224.25
BC-59a-N5-iv 1988 $50 LOW SERIAL# EHP0000763 BCS Choice UNC63 Original Thiessen-Crow1251 - BC-59a-N5-iv 1988 $50 LOW SERIAL# EHP0000763 BCS Choice UNC63 Original Thiessen-Crow
Colonial Acres Coins Ltd.
BC-59a-N5-iv 1988 $50 LOW SERIAL# EHP0000763 BCS Choice UNC63 Original Thiessen-Crow
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 275.00
Sold for (280.00 + 42.00BP) = 322.00
BC-60a 1988 $100 Legacy Gem New-66 PPQ Thiessen-Crow Hidden BP# SN: AJY13048841252 - BC-60a 1988 $100 Legacy Gem New-66 PPQ Thiessen-Crow Hidden BP# SN: AJY1304884
Colonial Acres Coins Ltd.
BC-60a 1988 $100 Legacy Gem New-66 PPQ Thiessen-Crow Hidden BP# SN: AJY1304884
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 275.00 | Estimate : 600.00
BC-60aA 1988 $100 AJX BCS AU-58 Original Thiessen-Crow S/N: AJX13995591253 - BC-60aA 1988 $100 AJX BCS AU-58 Original Thiessen-Crow S/N: AJX1399559
Colonial Acres Coins Ltd.
BC-60aA 1988 $100 AJX BCS AU-58 Original Thiessen-Crow S/N: AJX1399559
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 275.00
Sold for (189.00 + 28.35BP) = 217.35
BC-60a-i 1988 $100 Legacy Very Choice New-64 PPQ Thiessen-Crow Clear BP# SN: BJE53639241254 - BC-60a-i 1988 $100 Legacy Very Choice New-64 PPQ Thiessen-Crow Clear BP# SN: BJE5363924
Colonial Acres Coins Ltd.
BC-60a-i 1988 $100 Legacy Very Choice New-64 PPQ Thiessen-Crow Clear BP# SN: BJE5363924
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 205.00
Sold for (100.00 + 15.00BP) = 115.00
RADAR-LADDER BC-62b 2002 $5 HNS0123210 PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ Jenkins-Dodge1255 - RADAR-LADDER BC-62b 2002 $5 HNS0123210 PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ Jenkins-Dodge
Colonial Acres Coins Ltd.
RADAR-LADDER BC-62b 2002 $5 HNS0123210 PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ Jenkins-Dodge
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 750.00
Sold for (475.00 + 71.25BP) = 546.25
LADDER BC-63a 2001 $10 FDT2345678 PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ Knight-Thiessen. Amazing Find!1256 - LADDER BC-63a 2001 $10 FDT2345678 PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ Knight-Thiessen. Amazing Find!
Colonial Acres Coins Ltd.
LADDER BC-63a 2001 $10 FDT2345678 PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ Knight-Thiessen. Amazing Find!
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 750.00
Sold for (700.00 + 105.00BP) = 805.00