November 23 & 24, 2024 Pre-Winter Auction

Auction Details

2 Day Firearms-Hunting-Shooting-Fishing-Ammunition-Related Accessories

We are always accepting consignment items for upcoming auctions. Located in Burford, ON, Canada.

We are now accepting e-transfers for payment but you must have a credit card on file to sign up.
If you choose to pay by e-transfer send it to

and include your buyer/paddle # in the message portion.

If you are bidding on items that don't require a PAL please use 00000000.

RCMP now requires a PAL to purchase Firearms, Ammunition, Magazines, Powder and starting September 1, 2024 also Barrels and Gun-slides.So items purchased that need to be shipped or picked up after Sept 1 will be affected.
Photos of PAL & Driver's License must be emailed to us before firearms will be shipped.


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Nazi Bronze Wound Badge1858 - Nazi Bronze Wound Badge
Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Nazi Bronze Wound Badge
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to k*********d for (37.50 + 5.63BP) = 43.13
Olympic 1936 Enameled Badge, 
1936 Olympic Berlin Breast Pin
1859 - Olympic 1936 Enameled Badge, 1936 Olympic Berlin Breast Pin
Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Olympic 1936 Enameled Badge, 1936 Olympic Berlin Breast Pin
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to K*******n for (27.50 + 4.13BP) = 31.63
1938 Reichspfennig Coins1860 - 1938 Reichspfennig Coins
Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1- 1938 1 Reichspfennig, 1- 1938 2 Reichspfennig, 1- 1938 5 Reichspfennig, 1- 1938 10 Reichspfennig
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S****n for (16.00 + 2.40BP) = 18.40
1939-1944 Reichspfenning Coins1861 - 1939-1944 Reichspfenning Coins
Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1- 1939 1 Reichspfenning, 1- 1940 1 Reichspfenning, 1- 1941 1 Reichspfenning, 1- 1942 1 Reichspfenning, 1- 1943 1 Reichspfenning, 1- 1944 1 Reich
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S****n for (19.00 + 2.85BP) = 21.85
1940-1943 Reichspfennig Coins1862 - 1940-1943 Reichspfennig Coins
Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1- 1940 50 Reichspfennig, 1- 1941 50 Reichspfennig, 1- 1942 50 Reichspfennig, 1- 1943 50 Reichspfennig
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S******n for (75.00 + 11.25BP) = 86.25
1937-1944 Reichspfennig Coins1863 - 1937-1944 Reichspfennig Coins
Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1- 1937 5 Reichspfennig, 1- 1938 5 Reichspfennig, 1- 1939 5 Reichspfennig, 1- 1940 5 Reichspfennig, 1- 1941 5 Reichspfennig, 1- 1942 5 Reichspfen
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S****n for (25.00 + 3.75BP) = 28.75
1936 Silver 5 Reichsmark Coin1864 - 1936 Silver 5 Reichsmark Coin
Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1- 1936 Silver 5 Reichsmark Coin
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S****n for (100.00 + 15.00BP) = 115.00
3 Hat Badges1865 - 3 Hat Badges
Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Nazi Police Hat Badge, Service Bar with 2 Eagles 12 years. 1934 Worker Rally Badge
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to h******o for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
4 Nazi Stamps1866 - 4 Nazi Stamps
Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1- 1943 Brandenburg Gate Nazi Stamp, 3- 1944 CECHY & MORAVA Rare set of stamps
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to N*****T for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Set of Wartime Stamps1867 - Set of Wartime Stamps
Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Set of 5 Bohmen and Mahren Cecky a MORAVA Stamps, 2- 4 Pack Hitler 12 stamps, 1- Pack Hitler 10 Stamps
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r****1 for (17.00 + 2.55BP) = 19.55