Auction Details
Long guns, hand guns, crossbows, compound bows, archery equipment, ammo, reloading, tools, tractor, snowmobile, trailers, fishing and lots more outdoor sporting goods items. Please note there will not be any live viewing the day of the auction. Viewing must be done by apportionment only, prior to the sale date.
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USA Buyers: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITS, CUSTOMS AND DUTY CHARGES APPLICABLE! Your purchases will be shipped once we have received an ATF importation Permit from you. To acquire a Permit, an ATF Form 6 application completed by a licensed FFL Dealer with importation rights must be submitted. NOTE: NOT ALL ITEMS CAN BE IMPORTED TO THE USA SO BUYERS BEWARE. Check with the Bureau of ATF at (304) 616-4550 for more info, or your local ATF authority. Canadian Prohibited
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1634 - Box lot 22 StocksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Squires Bingham Model 14P 22 rimfire rifle stock. 2) Squires Bingham m1500 22 mag rimfire deluxe stock.
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1638 - Box Lot Soft Sided CasesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 46" soft-sided all leather case with sheep skin interior and engraved leather scenery. Black marker "X" on both sides. 2) 3 viny...
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1639 - Box Lot Duck CallsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) P.S. Olt regular duck call Model No. D-2. 2) P.S. Olt 66 duck call. 3) Herter's duck call. 4) Mallardtone duck call piece in original box.
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