1283 - Lot of ShootingLandsborough Auctions Ltd
NOTE ALL POWDER CANS ARE EMPTY. 1) IMR 4064. 2) IMR 4350. 3) IMR 3031 4) Hodgdon H4198. 5) RCBS cased lube pad. 6) 40 pieces of 30cal. projectiles. 7)
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1284 - Lot of Gun PowderLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Winchester 296 1/2 full. 2) Winchester 748 1/3 full. 3) IMR 4064 1/8 full. 4) IMR 4350 empty. 5) IMR 4198 3/4 full. 6) Hodgdon H4198 full.
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1285 - Lot of Shooting Accessories.Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Bipod 7" to 12". 2) 2 Beretta butt pads. 3) 65 pieces of 6mm 75gr spire point. 4) Quaker Boy turkey call. 5) MTM Case Guard RS50. 6) Be...
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1286 - Lot of Game CallsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Quaker Boy owl call. 2) 2 Delta waterfowl. 3) S-4 mini squeal call. 4) Barking squirrel call. 5) Burnham Bros. D-4 deer call. 6) Muskol.
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1292 - Lot of BooksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Gun Collectors Digest Volume 2. 2) Gun Traders Guide 7th Edition. 3) Cartridges of the World 9th Edition. 4) Modern Gun Values 15th Edition. 5) Gu
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1293 - Lot of BooksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Lyman 1964 reloading book. 2) Lyman 45th edition reloading book. 3) Nosler 2nd edition reloading book. 4) Speer 10th edition reloading book. 5) Blu
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1294 - Lot of 12 Gauge AmmunitionLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 5 rounds Imperial 12 1oz slug. 2) 9 rounds Hornady SST slug. 3) 4 rounds Remington rifled slug. 4) 3 rounds Federal expander sabot slugs.
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