229 - Boito SxS 12 Gauge 3"Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Boito (Brazil)
Make: Boito
Model: Unknown Older Model
Cal: 12 Gauge 3"
Barrel Length: 20 ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to G********0 for (375.00 + 56.25BP) = 431.25
230 - Ruger 10/22 Carbine 22 LRLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Sturm, Ruger & Company
Make: Ruger
Model: 10/22 Carbine
Cal: 22LR
Barrel Length: 18.5"...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to R*****w for (375.00 + 56.25BP) = 431.25
234 - Remington Model 878 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Remington
Make: Remington
Model: 878
Cal: 12 Gauge 2.75"
Barrel Length: 30" Vent Rib...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to D******s for (230.00 + 34.50BP) = 264.50
235 - Lee Enfield Model Mark 1 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: BSA
Make: Lee Enfield
Model: Mark 1
Cal: 303 British
Barrel Length: 30.25"
Magazine Capac...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to J********r.. for (1,900.00 + 285.00BP) = 2,185.00
236 - Remington Model 8 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Remington
Make: Remington
Model: 8
Cal: 32 Remington
Barrel Length: 22"
Magazine Capacity...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to e****j for (850.00 + 127.50BP) = 977.50
237 - Remington Model 700 ML Muzzle LoaderLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Remington
Make: Remington
Model: 700 ML
Cal: 50
Barrel Length: 24"
Magazine Capacity: 1
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d********4 for (475.00 + 71.25BP) = 546.25
239 - Baikal Model IZH-27EM-1C ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Baikal
Make: Baikal
Model: IZH-27EM-1C
Cal: 20 Gauge 3"
Barrel Length: 28" Vent Rib ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to B*******g for (700.00 + 105.00BP) = 805.00
240 - Simonov Model Type 56 SKS RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Chinese State Arsenal
Make: Simonov
Model: Type 56 SKS
Cal: 7.62x39
Barrel Length: 20.5"
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to D******n for (475.00 + 71.25BP) = 546.25
242 - Winchester Model 12 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Winchester
Make: Winchester
Model: 12
Cal: 12 Gauge 2.75"
Barrel Length: 28" w/ Fixe...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to M*******r for (325.00 + 48.75BP) = 373.75
243 - Lee Enfield Model Sporter RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Thought to be Stevens/Savage
Make: Lee Enfield
Model: Sporter
Cal: 303 British
Barrel Length: 22
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to p******z for (300.00 + 45.00BP) = 345.00
244 - C.I.L. Model 607 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Savage
Make: C.I.L.
Model: 607
Cal: 12 Gauge 3"
Barrel Length: 28" w/ Fixed Full Cho...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to c*****n for (230.00 + 34.50BP) = 264.50
245 - Cooey Model 64 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Winchester
Make: Cooey
Model: 64
Cal: 22 Long Rifle
Barrel Length: 20"
Magazine Capacity:...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d*******5 for (210.00 + 31.50BP) = 241.50
247 - Escort Model Escort ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Hatsan Arms
Make: Escort
Model: Escort
Cal: 12 Gauge 3"
Barrel Length: 28" Vent Rib ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to G********0 for (240.00 + 36.00BP) = 276.00
248 - Mossberg Model 42M(b) RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Manufacturer: Mossberg
Make: Mossberg
Model: 42M(b)
Cal: 22 Short, Long & Long Rifle
Barrel Length: 23&q...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to e*******0 for (230.00 + 34.50BP) = 264.50