279 - Winchester Model 61 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Winchester
Model: 61
Cal: 22 Short, Long, Long Rifle
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Pump Action
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to g**k for (1,050.00 + 157.50BP) = 1,207.50
280 - Walther Model KKJ RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Walther
Model: KKJ
Cal: 22 Long Rifle
Barrel Length: 22"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: N/A ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d****c for (700.00 + 105.00BP) = 805.00
281 - Winchester Model 94 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Winchester
Model: 94
Cal: 30-30 Winchester
Barrel Length: 20 "
Action: Lever Action
Scope: N/A ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to b******p for (1,500.00 + 225.00BP) = 1,725.00
282 - Winchester Model 94AE Rifle Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Winchester
Model: 94AE
Cal: 45 Colt
Barrel Length: 16"
Action: Lever Action
Scope: N/A ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to H**z for (1,200.00 + 180.00BP) = 1,380.00
283 - Ruger Model M77 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Ruger
Model: M77
Cal: 22-250 Remington
Barrel Length: 24" Bull Barrel
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to l******1 for (950.00 + 142.50BP) = 1,092.50
284 - Browning Model Auto 5 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Browning
Model: Auto 5
Cal: 12 Gauge 2-3/4"
Barrel Length: 28"Vent Rib w/ Fixed Full Choke...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to G******3 for (650.00 + 97.50BP) = 747.50
285 - Remington Model 700 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Remington
Model: 700
Cal: 222 Remington
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: Bush...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d**y for (2,300.00 + 345.00BP) = 2,645.00
286 - Remington Model 700 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Remington
Model: 700
Cal: 270 Winchester
Barrel Length: "
Action: Bolt Action
Scope: N/A ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d**y for (800.00 + 120.00BP) = 920.00
287 - Tokarev Model SVT 1940 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Tokarev
Model: SVT 1940
Cal: 7.62 x 54R
Barrel Length: 25"
Action: Semi-Automatic
Scope: N/A ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to G*********7 for (1,200.00 + 180.00BP) = 1,380.00
288 - German Mauser Model 98 Carbine RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Mauser
Model: K98 Carbine Rifle (byf43)
Cal: 7.92mm AKA 8mm
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Bolt Actio...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to c*****c for (3,000.00 + 450.00BP) = 3,450.00
290 - Erma K-98k Conversion KitLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Erma
Model: Unknown
Cal: 22 Long Rifle
Barrel Length: 26"
Action: Bolt Action
Scope: N/A ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to o*****d for (2,100.00 + 315.00BP) = 2,415.00
291 - German Mauser K-98k s/42 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Mauser
Model: K98k
Cal: 7.92mm (8mm)
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Bolt Action
Scope: CAD ZF - 39 Hg...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to I***4 for (4,600.00 + 690.00BP) = 5,290.00
292 - Spectre Model WS-MCR RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Spectre
Model: WS-MCR
Cal: 5.56 Nato/223 Remington
Barrel Length: 18.7""
Action: Semi -Autom...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to a********s for (1,200.00 + 180.00BP) = 1,380.00
293 - Winchester Model 1873 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Winchester
Model: 1873
Cal: 357 Magnum/38 Special
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Lever Action
Scope: ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to A****c for (1,800.00 + 270.00BP) = 2,070.00
294 - Springfield Armory Model 1903 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Springfield Armory
Model: 1903
Cal: 30-06
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Bolt Action
Scope: N/A ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to p**g for (2,000.00 + 300.00BP) = 2,300.00
295 - Marlin Model 1894 Carbine Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Marlin
Model: 1894 Carbine
Cal: 44 Magnum/44 Special
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Lever Action
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to K*****0 for (1,400.00 + 0.00BP) = 1,400.00
301 - Browning Model BAR RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Browning
Model: BAR Grade II
Cal: 30-06 Springfield
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Semi-Automatic
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to N********o.. for (950.00 + 142.50BP) = 1,092.50
302 - Browning Model BAR RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Browning
Model: BAR Grade II
Cal: 270 Winchester
Barrel Length: 22"
Action: Semi-Automatic
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d****C for (1,200.00 + 180.00BP) = 1,380.00
307 - Fabryka Broni Model BRS-99 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Fabryka Broni
Model: BRS-99
Cal: 9mm Luger
Barrel Length: 18.9"
Action: Semi-Automatic
Scope: N/A...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to I***4 for (4,700.00 + 705.00BP) = 5,405.00
309 - Brno Model ZKW465 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Brno
Model: ZKW465
Cal: 22 Hornet
Barrel Length: 23"
Action: Bolt Action
Scope: Monoscope 4 x31 ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to r********g for (1,800.00 + 270.00BP) = 2,070.00
310 - Winchester Defender ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Winchester
Model: 1300 Defender
Cal: 12 Gauge 3" Chamber. Cylinder Choke
Barrel Length:18.5"...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to H**z for (600.00 + 90.00BP) = 690.00
311 - Browning BLR Rifle Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Browning
Model: BLR
Cal: .308 Winchester
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Lever Action Rifle
Scope: Bel...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to M*******c for (1,000.00 + 150.00BP) = 1,150.00
312 - Browning Model 81 BLR Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Browning BLR
Model: 81
Cal: .223/5.56 Remington
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Lever Action Rifle
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to b******t for (1,500.00 + 225.00BP) = 1,725.00
313 - Browning BAR Mark II Safari RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Browning BAR
Model: Mark II Safari
Cal: .300 Winchester Magnum
Barrel Length: 24"
Action Semi-Au...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to w********r for (1,500.00 + 225.00BP) = 1,725.00
314 - FN Browning Safari Grade RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: FN Browning
Model: Safari
Cal: .300 Winchester Magnum
Barrel Length: 24.5"
Action: Bolt Action ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to K*****0 for (1,299.00 + 0.00BP) = 1,299.00
315 - Ruger No. 1 Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Ruger
Model: No.1
Cal: .300 Winchester Magnum
Barrel Length: 26"
Action: Single Shot
Scope: Tasc...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to C******k for (1,800.00 + 270.00BP) = 2,070.00
316 - Ellwood Epps Custom Enfield Rifle Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Ellwood Epps Custom Rifle
Model: Long Branch 1944 Mk 4
Cal: 25-303 Epps
Barrel Length: 22"
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to R****D for (1,700.00 + 255.00BP) = 1,955.00
317 - Savage Model 99 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Savage
Model: 99
Cal: 300 Savage
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Lever Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to B******1 for (650.00 + 97.50BP) = 747.50
318 - Browning Gold Hunter ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Browning
Model: Gold Hunter
Cal: 12GA 3" Chamber. Removable Chokes Imp.Cyl., Mod, Full, Primos In...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to w********r for (850.00 + 127.50BP) = 977.50
319 - Remington Field Master RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Remington
Model: Field Master
Cal: .22 S, L, & LR
Barrel Length: 21"
Action: Pump Action Rif...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d**y for (550.00 + 82.50BP) = 632.50
320 - Ruger All Weather RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Ruger
Model: 77/22
Cal: .22 LR
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Serial Num...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to S*******n for (900.00 + 135.00BP) = 1,035.00
321 - Browning BL22 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Browning
Model: BL
Cal: .22 LR
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Lever Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Serial N...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to A****c for (575.00 + 86.25BP) = 661.25
322 - Remington 700 ML 50 Caliber RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Remington
Model: 700 ML
Cal: .50 cal
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Muzzle Loader
Scope: Tasco 4x32. ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to b*****8 for (650.00 + 97.50BP) = 747.50
323 - Ruger M77 MKII RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Ruger
Model: M77 MKII
Cal: .308 Winchester
Barrel Length: 18-1/4"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to p*******8 for (1,600.00 + 240.00BP) = 1,840.00
324 - Ruger All Weather 77/22 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Ruger
Model: 77/22 All Weather
Cal: .22 WMR
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: T...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to K*****0 for (1,100.00 + 0.00BP) = 1,100.00
326 - Winchester Model 12 12ga ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Winchester
Model: Model 12
Cal: 12ga
Barrel Length: 30" Full choke.
Action: Pump Action Shotgun...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to 1******s for (120.00 + 18.00BP) = 138.00
327 - FN Browning Trombone 22 TakedownLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: FN Browning
Model: Trombone 22 Takedown
Cal: 22LR
Barrel Length: 21 1/2"
Action: Pump Action Rif...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to L**********4 for (600.00 + 90.00BP) = 690.00
328 - Browning Auto 5 12ga ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: FN Browning
Model: Auto 5
Cal: 12ga 2 3/4"
Barrel Length: 30" Full Choke
Action: Pump Actio...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to p*****6 for (450.00 + 67.50BP) = 517.50
329 - Remington Model 11 12ga ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Remington
Model: Model 11
Cal: 12ga 2 3/4"
Barrel Length: 28" Modified Choke
Action: Pump A...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to i*******y for (375.00 + 56.25BP) = 431.25
351 - Remington Model 870 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Remington
Model: 870
Cal: 12 Gauge, 3"
Barrel Length: 18" w/ Fixed Improved Cylinder Choke
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to R*****w for (500.00 + 75.00BP) = 575.00
352 - Ruger American RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Ruger
Model: American
Cal: 22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire
Barrel Length: 18"
Action: Bolt Action
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to w********r for (550.00 + 82.50BP) = 632.50
353 - Russian SKS Model Type 56 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: SKS
Model: Type 56
Cal: 7.62x39
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Semi-Automatic
Scope: N/A ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to G*****y for (550.00 + 82.50BP) = 632.50
354 - Gaucha Model Uplander ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Gaucha
Model: Uplander
Cal: 20 Gauge, 3"
Barrel Length: 24" w/ Screw-in Choke Tubes
Action: ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d**t for (375.00 + 56.25BP) = 431.25
356 - Winchester Model 12 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Winchester
Model: 12
Cal: 12 Gauge, 2-3/4"
Barrel Length: 30" Fixed Full Choke
Action: Pump ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to g*********8 for (325.00 + 48.75BP) = 373.75
357 - Remington Model 11-48 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Remington
Model: 11-48
Cal: 12 Gauge, 2-3/4"
Barrel Length: 30" Fixed Full Choke
Action: Sem...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to p******d for (300.00 + 45.00BP) = 345.00
358 - Savage Model 3C RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Savage
Model: 3C
Cal: 22 Short, Long, Long Rifle
Barrel Length: 26"
Action: Bolt Action
Scope: N...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to s*******9 for (175.00 + 26.25BP) = 201.25
359 - SKS RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: SKS
Model: SKS
Cal: 7.62x39
Barrel Length: 20.25"
Action: Semi-Auto Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to y********n for (550.00 + 82.50BP) = 632.50
360 - Mosin-Nagant Rifle w/ BayonetLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Mosin-Nagant
Model: 1942
Cal: 7.62x54
Barrel Length: 29"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to w********r for (325.00 + 48.75BP) = 373.75
361 - Lee Enfield SporterizedLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Lee Enfield
Model: MkIII
Cal: .303 British
Barrel Length: 25"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: N...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Y**d for (210.00 + 31.50BP) = 241.50
362 - Ithaca LSA - 65 Rifle Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Ithaca
Model: LSA 65
Cal: .270 Win
Barrel Length: 22"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to N********r.. for (600.00 + 90.00BP) = 690.00
363 - Remington Woodsmaster 742Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Remington
Model: Woodsmaster 742
Cal: 30-06 Springfield
Barrel Length: 22"
Action: Semi-Auto Rif...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to i*******y for (550.00 + 82.50BP) = 632.50
364 - Pedersoli Kodiak Black Powder RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Pedersoli
Model: Kodiak
Cal: .58
Barrel Length: 28.5"
Action: Side by Side
Scope: N/A
Serial Num...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to i*******y for (900.00 + 135.00BP) = 1,035.00
366 - BRNO Mod 1 Rifle Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Brno
Model: Mod 1
Cal: .22
Barrel Length: 22.5"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Serial Numbe...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to P*********r for (700.00 + 105.00BP) = 805.00
367 - Brno .22 Caliber Rifle Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Brno
Model: N/A
Cal: .22
Barrel Length: 23"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: Bell 2-7x32. Glass i...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to L**********4 for (550.00 + 82.50BP) = 632.50
369 - CIL Single Shot 16 Gauge ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: CIL
Model: 402
Cal: 16 Gauge 2-3/4" Chamber w/ Fixed Full Choke
Barrel Length: 28"
Action: S...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to G*****6 for (130.00 + 19.50BP) = 149.50
370 - Marlin Model 39A RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Marlin
Model: 39A
Cal: .22 S, L, & LR
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Lever Action Rifle
Scope: We...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to K*****0 for (1,000.00 + 0.00BP) = 1,000.00
371 - Savage 99 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Savage
Model: 99E
Cal: .308 Winchester
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Lever Action Rifle
Scope: Wea...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to i*******y for (600.00 + 90.00BP) = 690.00
374 - Pioneer 765 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: H & R
Model: Pioneer 765
Cal: .22 S, L, & LR
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Single Shot Bolt ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to w********r for (210.00 + 31.50BP) = 241.50
376 - Mosin Nagant 1953 Short RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Mosin Nagant
Model: 1953
Cal: 7.62x54
Barrel Length: 20.5"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to 1******s for (650.00 + 97.50BP) = 747.50
377 - Rossi Ruko Canada RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Rossi Ruko Canada
Model: Gallery Gun
Cal: .22 S, L, & LR
Barrel Length: 17"
Action: Pump Act...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to C*****G for (400.00 + 60.00BP) = 460.00
378 - Mauser Mod 98 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Mauser
Model: K98
Cal: 7.92 X 57
Barrel Length: 23"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Serial ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to F***x for (1,050.00 + 157.50BP) = 1,207.50
380 - Ruger 10/22 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Ruger
Model: 10/22
Cal: .22LR
Barrel Length: 18.5"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: Unknown Glas...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to J*****5 for (450.00 + 67.50BP) = 517.50
381 - Japanese Arisaka Rifle RebarreledLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Arisaka
Model: Type 99
Cal: 8mm X57 Mauser
Barrel Length: 24.5"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to y********n for (300.00 + 45.00BP) = 345.00
382 - Spanish Mauser FR7 7.62×51mm NATOLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Spanish Mauser
Model: FR7
Cal: 7.62×51mm NATO
Barrel Length: 19"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to F***x for (700.00 + 105.00BP) = 805.00
383 - Husqvarna M38 1942 6.5x55Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Husqvarna
Model: M38 1942
Cal: 6.5x55
Barrel Length: 25"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to s******S for (800.00 + 120.00BP) = 920.00
385 - Ruger American RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Ruger
Model: American
Cal: .270 Winchester
Barrel Length: 22"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: Bu...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to M*******1 for (750.00 + 112.50BP) = 862.50
386 - Weatherby Vanguard RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Weatherby
Model: Vanguard
Cal: .223 Remington
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to M*******1 for (850.00 + 127.50BP) = 977.50
387 - Armsan Model A636 .410ga ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Armsan
Model: A636
Cal: .410ga
Barrel Length: 26"
Action: Semi-Auto Shotgun
Scope: N/A
Serial Nu...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to b********3 for (600.00 + 90.00BP) = 690.00
388 - Browning Auto 5 12 Gauge ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Browning
Model: Auto 5
Cal: 12 Gauge Full Choke
Barrel Length: 27" Vented Rib
Action: Semi Auto S...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to R****7 for (500.00 + 75.00BP) = 575.00
389 - Winchester Model 67 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Winchester
Model: 67
Cal: .22 S, L, LR
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Single Shot Bolt Action Rifle
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to C*******5 for (240.00 + 36.00BP) = 276.00
390 - Sauer Side by Side ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Sauer
Model: N/A
Cal: 12 Gauge 2-3/4" Chamber. Fixed Full Choke
Barrel Length: 28.5"
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to J*****n for (350.00 + 52.50BP) = 402.50
391 - Sporterized Enfield Model 1917Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Enfield
Model: 1917
Cal: .30-06
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: Weaver K4-1. ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to g******1 for (425.00 + 63.75BP) = 488.75
393 - Savage Model 24Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Savage
Model: 24
Cal: .410 3" Chamber Over .22LR
Barrel Length: 24"
Action: Break Action Com...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to w********r for (600.00 + 90.00BP) = 690.00
394 - Lee Enfield Jungle Carbine SporterLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Lee Enfield
Model: Jungle Carbine Sporter
Cal: 303 British
Barrel Length: 20"
Action: Bolt Action...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d*******y for (400.00 + 60.00BP) = 460.00
395 - Cooey Model 71 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Canadian Classification: NON-RESTRICTED
Make: Cooey
Model: 71
Cal: .308 Winchester
Barrel Length: 19"
Action: Bolt Action Rifle
Scope: N/A
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to i*******y for (425.00 + 63.75BP) = 488.75