3612 - Lot of BooksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Professional Gunsmithing W.J. Howe H.C. 518 pages.
2) Custom Built Rifles Dick Simmon H.C. 346 pages.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to X**y for (35.00 + 5.25BP) = 40.25
3613 - Lot of BooksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) The Story of Popes Barrels Ray M Smith H.C. 210pages.
2) America's Great Gunmakers Wayne Van Zwoll S.B. 272 pages.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to J*******n for (25.00 + 3.75BP) = 28.75
3615 - Lot of BooksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) The Hunters Shooting Guide O Connor.
2) Horns in the High Country Andy Russel.
3) Wild Animals in North America Classic 1918 Lithographs.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to j***b for (16.00 + 2.40BP) = 18.40
3616 - Lot of BooksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Americas Premier Gun maker Winchester H.C.
2) Famous Guns from the Winchester Collection.
3) Western Ammunition Olin Handbook.
4) Winchester Wester
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to F******s for (42.50 + 6.38BP) = 48.88
3617 - Lot of BooksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Gunsmithing Roy F Dunlop H.C. 714pages.
2) 3x S.B. Gunsmithing books.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to X**y for (14.00 + 2.10BP) = 16.10