603 - Box Lot 6MM Rifle BulletsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Assorted .6mm (.243") bullets: 1) 135 pieces Nosler .95gr ballistic tip. 2) 300 pieces Speer .105gr spitzer SP. 3) 79 pieces Dominion/CIL .75gr...
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604 - Box Lot 6.5 Rifle BulletsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 65 pieces Norma .155.9gr soft point pound nose. 2) 98 pieces Norma .139gr soft point semi-pointed boat tail. 3) 48 pieces Nosler .125gr partition
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605 - Assorted Rifle BulletsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 59 pieces Norma 8mm S, 198gr hollow point boat tail. 2) 25 pieces Norma 30 Cal 180gr hollow point. 3) 15 pieces .165gr spire point. 4) 76 pieces S
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630 - Box Lot 30 CarbineLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 150 rounds Dynamit Nobel full metal case. 2) 69 rounds mixed reloaded and factory .30 varbine loads.
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636 - 2 BackpacksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Black/grey 6 zipper with laptop holder. 2) Toyota red backpack.
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643 - Box Lot MiscellaneousLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 2 German Military camouflage hats. 2) Camouflage helmet cover. 3) Allen camouflage soft pistol case. 4) Black nylon ammunition belt. 5) Leather sli
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649 - 8x57 ReloadsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
46 rounds mixed 8x57 Mauser reloaded cartridges. 11 empty cases and 2 stripper clips in green ammo box.
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652 - Box Lot PrimersLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 959 CCI large rifle Magnum primers. 2) 76 Winchester large riffle. 3) 470 CCI small pistol.
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655 - Thompson Center Accessory KitLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) RMC EZ loader. 2) 18 pieces of 180gr .50cal sabots. 3) 25 pieces of Triple 7. 4) 86 primers for TC. 5) 60% of Number 13 Bore Cleaner. 6) TC Breach
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657 - Box Lot 5.56Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 56 pieces Canadian IVI 5.56 cartridge casings. 2) A Canadian Army 5.56 Ball C77 cloth 10 round clip bandolier that holds 120 rounds.
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658 - Box Lot 5.56Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 56 pieces Canadian IVI 5.56 cartridge casings. 2) A Canadian Army 5.56 Ball C77 cloth 10 round clip bandolier that holds 120 rounds.
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662 - Military Dinner KnikeLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) U.S.N. dinner knife. Sharpening marks on blade. 5" blade. 9 1/4" overall length. 2) 10th SS Division kitchen knife. 30 Replica Iron Cr...
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671 - Box Lot Holsters And GripsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Gould & Goodrich size 24 holster. 2) Revolver holster 9" long x 3" wide. 3) Set of P38 bakelite grips in good condition. 4) Set of...
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677 - Box Lot MiscellaneousLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) ASAP ambidextrous sling attachment point. 2) Fire sights fiber optic SKS front sight. 3) 3 vintage shotgun recoil pads.
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678 - Vintage Dog Tracking KitLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Wildlife Materials Inc., Model HNCM-3700 magnum, TRX-165 receiver SN 02021278. Has 3 collars, receiver and antenna. Kit comes with custom made wood
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679 - Box Lot Turkey HuntingLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Primos turkey hunting vest with attached seat in very good condition. 2) Quaker Boy Clover leaf 10-sider box call. 3) Primos spring hen model 207
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681 - Box Lot 2-Way RadiosLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Set of 2 Midland X-Tra talk radios with 45 km range. Comes with charger and are in working condition. 2) Set of 2 Nextech radios with 3 km range.
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682 - Box Lot Topographical MapsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Larder Lake. 2) Magusi River. 3) Kirkland Lake. 4) Point Au Baril Station. 5) Seguin Falls. 6) Englehart. 7) Golden Valley. 8) South River.
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683 - Box Lot MiscellaneousLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 44 rounds of 22 dummy rounds. 2) Marathon 3000 Adanac stopwatch. 3) 20 pieces of 45-70 Gov't once-fired brass. 4) Little Chief home sausage k...
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684 - Box Lot Safety/Shooting GlassesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) Pair of safety glasses in very good condition. 2) Pair of yellow lens shooting glasses in very good condition. 3) Pair of clear that will take a
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