367 - 277 Rounds 6.5 X 55Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 60 rounds are sellier & Bellot 140 grain full metal jacket. 2) 20 rounds are Norma Vulcan 156 grain hollow point. 3) 107 rounds are Danish ...
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371 - 897 Rounds 38 SpecialLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 759 rounds are reloads - mostly wad cutters and semi wad cutters. 2) 138 rounds are Federal factory loads.
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379 - 994 Rounds Mixed 22 AmmunitionLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 500 rounds of Federal Premium Gold Medal Target 40 grain solid long rifle. 2) 180 rounds of Federal Premium Gold Medal high velocity match 40 gra
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380 - 366 Rounds Mixed 22 AmmunitionLandsborough Auctions Ltd
1) 64 rounds of RWS rifle match 40 grain long rifle. 2) 100 rounds of Eley match long rifle. 3) 37 rounds of Eley team long rifle. 4) 90 rounds of RW
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