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"Peaches" or 'Peaches' an original antique painting by Joachin Burcheron Lariviere (now deceased), with image about 9 high x 12 inches long, with original as is frame over 12 inches x 15; exquisitely done likely during Winter indoor blues as he said: "For me as Artiste painter Joachin Burcheron Lariviere to create this painting, the creative process began by admiring these fruits as the colours and the surface skins were very colourful and delightful as an 'Nature Morte' (Still Life); this began with starting to place each marvelous peach as if it was precious like gold in the composition; next to one another was not a simple task as I had thought since individual ones have their own character as well as form; even when they look alike, peaches are different forms; I sought to establish a composition in which each Joachin Burcheron Lariviere peach I selected from my orchard visit were to become compliment like objets d'art, each with value as to shape and colours with finally creating a serene composition since I love peace; my freedom was to compose the way I wanted but Nature has also its means to my task ! Each peach has therefore its own strength, and they all strengthen each other through form being from the same family values, with harmony of colours with secret contrasts and obvious hues even with many differences and look-a-likes, and with magical light with its shadows or difficulties." Everything in this Joachin Burcheron Lariviere original painting is superb as he took his time to create a masterpiece indeed, as the magic is endless ! Joachin Burcheron Lariviere travelled in California and Quebec and Ontario, and his paintings were in many art paintings exhibitions in the USA and Canada, notably by De Bello Art Galleries in Toronto and in New York City, like in the Art Expo International as well as Gallery Iris in Cambridge, Mays Art Gallery in Chatham, among other cultural Art Centres and At Galleries. Certificates of authenticity and provenance will be provided as well as many copies of your receipt for your usage; get this collectible Joachin Burcheron Lariviere original painting now as his paintings are rare and mostly never on the open art market as collectors keep them and pass the estate to their heirs !
- Peinture ancienne par Joachin Burcheron Larivière pour vous !
Auction Location:
c.p. 69, Val Caron, Ontario, P3N 1N6, Canada
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